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Our Results & Testimonials

Are significant increases in your crops yields, quality, and soil important to you?
Do you base your agricultural decisions on analytical data to maximize yields and land use, while reducing water resources, labor, and fixed operational costs?

If so, Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 can help you achieve these goals.



The use of Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 improves the efficiency of plants to better utilize nutrient inputs, resulting in superior crop yields, harvest quality, and a better bottom line for your business. Terra Ag Technologies is committed to helping farm operations of all sizes meet their long-term soil regeneration and sustainability goals – from one growing season to the next.  


The confidence in our results is because we have the data to back them up. It takes time and resources to build trust, relationships, programs, and partnerships. We strive for satisfied clients year after year, acre after acre. If your operation believes in these same principles, let's grow together.

Blueberries results

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Cauliflowers results

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Spinach results

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Corn results


Raspberries results

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Wild Rice results

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Bell Pepper results

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
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Carbon Sequestration Results

Avacado results


Gower Benefits


Cilantro results


Independent Third-Party Results
Highlights* from Helena Research & Development.


Detailed analytical reports and additional results are available upon request
Yield and quality were analyzed at time of harvest.
Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro


Wild Rice

 Location: McArthur, CA


Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 


Yields were significantly higher in the standard fertility and Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 plot than in the standard alone as the result of increased acquisition of nitrogen and phosphorous.


The use of Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 produced 32.23% more yield (Pounds/Ac) In total extra weight of marketable commercial grains vs. the grower standard program.


There was significant difference in color where plants in the Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 plot were darker green indicating more chlorophyll, this was confirmed with tissue sample analysis.


Lemons-Lisbon variety 

Location: Lemon Cove, CA 7th leaf lemon orchard


Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro


The fruit set increased in the portion of the field treated with Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 as indicated by the fruit count in each tree.


Chamae resulted in an increase in yield of 19.22% vs. the grower standard.


The total calculated yield for Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 treated trees was 28,453 lbs. per acre and the grower standard was 23,864 lbs. per acre. In this study the area treated with Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 resulted in an additional  4.6  of 1000 lb. bins  per acre.



Cantaloupe Melon 

Location: Mellon Farms, Tacna, AZ


Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro


Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 increased fruit size 9 (63%) and reduced sizes 15 and smaller (31%) over untreated.


Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 increased fruit weight by almost 10% and the melons had higher brix content (7%) more than the grower standard.


In addition, the use of Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 resulted in a significant increase in yields vs. the grower standard


Head lettuce- Iceberg variety


 Location: Mellon Farms; Yuma, and Dome Valley, AZ


Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro


Using Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 increased: individual head weight, size, yield, color and vigor in the lettuce.


Iceberg lettuce applied with Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 resulted in 31% more yield then conventional program.


Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 increased the number of larger sized heads (Size 24 + 44%) and decreased number of smaller size (Size 36 – 23%)



Jose Maria Clerigues, C.E.O. (Grower)


HAAC Chile is a 300-acre clementine orchard producing the highest quality clementines for export since 2008 to the U.S. and the E.U.

Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2


We have seen an average 25% increase in yields by using Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 and larger sizes. We have managed to have a sustained production, without years of low production, and with use of Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 we have been to better able to keep tree blight under control. Brix at harvest increased to an average of 13% producing great tasting fruit.  

INPUT REDUCTION WITH Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 works as a complement to chemical and mineral fertilization via drip irrigation. Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 allows the nutrients provided by chemical and mineral fertilization to be available and easily absorbed by the roots of the trees. By using Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 we have seen and average reduction in the costs of foliar and fertilization of $2,000 per hectare of $810 per acre. 


We do recommend Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 to other producers, because by applying during the season, good results are obtained in production, higher yields, much more larger sizes for export, greater returns, and lower input costs. Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 produces healthier trees and soils. Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 has also reduced the trees aborting fruit due to stress to less than 2%. 

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2

Research Department
(Major US Grower)

Location: Oxnard, CA


Yield and quality were analyzed at time of harvest.

All celery harvest, and quality data were conducted and provided by harvest director of the company, and supported by its internal scientific research and development department.

Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2


the treatment of Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2, generated the highest amount of benefit rhizobacteria, with an increase about 100% more, which is needed to pull the nutrients into the root system and into the plant, and protect roots as a preventive barrier against pathogens, including fusarium 2 & 4.


With Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2, results in a better soil microbiology which helps the plant in increasing the nutrient absorption and more preventive protection against pathogens, especially fusarium 3 & 4, with Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 the plant is more protected in its root system and healthier. The balanced content of benefit organisms, occupy the space mitigating the bad pathogens to reproduce and damage the plant.


showed a significantly better growth rate, about 12 to 14 days ahead of schedule, healthier plants and significantly less pathogen damage.


More efficient and better transplant ability, due to stronger developed root system of the plugs. This reduces crumbling plugs and clogging of the equipment. about 30% more roots, healthier plant that resists transplant shock (2 days, compared with GSP ( Grower Std. Program) of about 10 or even more days of shock-stress, yellowing and weakening). plants increase in adaptation and immediate establishment in the field.


Crops treated with Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 since nursery and in the field, can achieve about 390 more Boxes/Ac of marketable celery, or about 29.40% more yield per acre.


At harvest Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 also produced about 57% better size profiles (24’s and 30’s) and a reduction in less desirable smaller sizes (36’s and 48’s). Harvesting time was reduced in fields as well.

Additional testimonials are available upon request. 

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