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Life in the Dirt Is Hard. And Climate Change Isn’t Helping.

By Sofia Quaglia | The New York Times | May 24, 2024

Scientists have identified about 9,000 species of springtails, but that number might represent just a fraction of their global species richness.Credit...Frank Ashwood

Heat and drought are taking a toll on the tiny soil creatures that help to lock away planet-warming carbon, according to a new analysis.

They’re dirt-dwelling invertebrates, but, in a sense, they’re the real backbone of Earth’s carbon cycle.

Thousands of species of mites and springtails, living in soil all around the world, provide a crucial service by munching organic matter like fallen leaves and wood, transferring its planet-warming carbon into the ground and releasing nutrients that help new plants grow.

But now, a new analysis that combined data from 38 different studies on the organisms suggests that drought in some parts of the world, often supercharged by climate change, are killing them off at alarming rates.

“It is important to take care of these critters in particular because we know so little about them,” said Ina Schaefer, a soil invertebrate ecology researcher at the University of Göttingen in Germany.

While some of these organisms live deep within the soil, others spend most of their lives scuttling around on the surface. Scientists don’t fully understand exactly how they break down decaying organic matter, but new molecular research shows springtails actually have special genes for the job.

(That’s not their only talent: Some springtails are about the size of a grain of sand and can fling themselves into the air like circus acrobats, spinning up to 500 times per second. Scientists think it could be a way to escape predators.)

Mites and springtails have not been widely studied, despite their importance, but scientists do know that some of the soft-bodied creatures are very sensitive to moisture in their environment.

When the soil dries up during times of aridity they, too, can dry up, shrivel and die. On average, their populations shrink by a whopping 39 percent during long stretches without rain, according to the analysis, which was published this month in Global Change Biology.

Various species of mites, including one in the larval state at bottom right. Credit...Frank Ashwood

And, the more severe the dry spell, the more severe the reduction in their abundance, said Philip Martin, a researcher at the Basque Center for Climate Change in Leioa, Spain, and one of the lead authors of the study. Under extreme conditions, “you’re losing way more than just that 39 percent figure,” Dr. Martin said.

Earlier research has indicated that the abundance of springtail populations is broadly linked to heat. Each degree of Celsius increase in temperature corresponds with a drop of springtail populations by almost 10 percent, according to a 2023 analysis.

“They really do bad,” Gerard Martínez-De León, a doctoral candidate in terrestrial ecology at the University of Bern in Switzerland, said of springtails during heat waves. “If there are very high temperatures for, let’s say, one week, two weeks, one month, this affects them directly. Probably as much as the lack of moisture does.”

Droughts also change and shrink the populations of fungi living in the soil, according to research published in January, which is what springtails predominantly feed on.

Yet, there are a few factors playing in favor of soil dwellers.

Generally, mites do better in heat than springtails, and studies suggest that some springtail species are better than others at withstanding heat and dryness. When times get tough, some invertebrates will move further down into the soil or travel out to more moist spots in their surroundings, say, under a rock. And, others will pick up new diets and tweak their preferences. (Visit The New York Times for the full article)

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