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Airlines Race Toward a Future of Powering Their Jets With Corn

By Max Bearak, Dionne Searcey and Mira Rojanasakul. Photographs and video by Jenn Ackerman and Tim Gruber for The New York Times. Nov. 30, 2023

Part of a series on the causes and consequences of disappearing water.

Carriers want to replace jet fuel with ethanol to fight global warming. That would require lots of corn, and lots of water.

VAST STRETCHES OF AMERICA are dominated by corn, nearly 100 million acres of it, stretching from Ohio to the Dakotas. What once was forest or open prairie today produces the corn that feeds people, cattle and, when made into ethanol, cars.

Now, the nation’s airlines want to power their planes with corn, too.

Their ambitious goals would likely require nearly doubling ethanol production, which airlines say would slash their greenhouse gas emissions. If they succeed it could transform America’s Corn Belt yet again, boosting farmers and ethanol producers alike, but also potentially further damaging one of the nation’s most important resources: groundwater.

Corn is a water-intensive crop and it can take hundreds of gallons to produce a single gallon of ethanol. But as airlines embrace the idea of ethanol, prompting lobbyists for ethanol makers and corn growers alike to push for clean-energy tax credits in Washington, vital aquifers face serious risks.

“We’re on track to massively increase water usage without any real sense of how sensitive our aquifers are,” said Jeffrey Broberg, who is concerned about groundwater in Minnesota, a major corn state, where he is a water-use consultant and founder of the Minnesota Well Owners Organization.

United Airlines this year signed a deal with a Nebraska ethanol company to buy enough sustainable aviation fuel, as the biofuel is known, to power 50,000 flights a year. In August, Delta announced a plan to create a sustainable fuel hub in Minnesota, a major corn state. The Biden administration could decide on its tax incentives for the industry as soon as December.

“Mark my words, the next 20 years, farmers are going to provide 95 percent of all the sustainable airline fuel,” President Biden said in July.

This year a New York Times data investigation found that groundwater is being dangerously depleted nationwide, largely by agricultural overuse. As climate change makes rainfall less reliable and intensifies droughts, rising demand for ethanol could put even more pressure on America’s fragile aquifers to be used for irrigation.

It’s a powerful example of tradeoffs that can arise as the world tries to transition away from fossil fuels. Other energy sources can have their own environmental cost, whether it’s mining the minerals and metals required to build more car batteries, or straining groundwater reserves to produce ethanol.

Farmers can still rely on rain in most parts of corn country, but elsewhere irrigation has been surging, driven by the climate threat and the pursuit of more reliable yields.

Between 1964 and 2017 irrigated acres for corn jumped nearly 500 percent, and groundwater strain is showing in some areas, particularly where underground aquifers take a long time to refill once they’re depleted. Pockets of western and southwestern Nebraska saw aquifer levels fall due to irrigation, prompting local regulators to restrict use.

In Kansas, past reports from the Department of Agriculture on corn farming have noted that “ever-depleting groundwater sources for irrigation continue to be a threat to farmers.” Officials there say improvements in irrigation and other technology will help farmers keep growing corn.

In parts of Minnesota, sandy soil needs irrigation to produce high yields. While digging wells and installing irrigation systems is expensive, higher corn prices make the investment worth it, said Jake Wildman, a farmer outside Glenwood, Minn., his hands chapped and brown from a day spent loading freshly harvested corn into 18-wheelers.

“I can say confidently that without irrigation you just wouldn’t have corn on this farm,” said Mr. Wildman, who is president of the state’s irrigators association. “And the market tells us to raise corn. So you could say that the market is also telling us to irrigate.”

The Department of Energy, which is drafting the rules that would allow biofuels to be considered sustainable aviation fuel, said in a statement that “water use is a critical component of the conversation surrounding bioenergy sustainability.”

It pointed to a 2016 department study that concluded that the United States could significantly reduce strain on aquifers by shifting biofuel production away from water-intensive crops like corn, instead growing more crops that don't require irrigation, like various types of straw, grasses and trees.

Today, nearly 40 percent of America’s corn crop is turned into ethanol, up from around 10 percent in the mid-2000s. This was largely because of government mandates that began in 2005 requiring gasoline to be mixed with minimum amounts of renewable fuel.

After that mandate, groundwater use jumped in some places as corn prices skyrocketed. Farmers added millions of new acres by switching to corn or rotating it into their crops year-to-year. (Visit The New York Times for the original article.)

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