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Our Benefits

Our Benefits and Values 

We provide our clients with 2 key values, both economic and ecological, that create a solid future on the capital side, in addition helping to build regenerative and sustainability programs, while reducing the carbon footprint for future generations.

Is soil regeneration and soil health important to your company's mission statement or farm?

If so, let Terra Ag Technologies® show you how together we can meet your regenerative and carbon sequestration goals.

Soil regeneration: rejuvenating soil while creating new healthy soil, boosting biodiversity, a key to maintaining healthy soil, retaining more carbon than is depleted, soil sequestration of carbon back into the ground and increasing the overall health and resilience of soils naturally.
Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • Growers who use Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 have seen some amazing financial benefits. Yield per acre increases substantially, ranging from 15-30%, based on the commodity. 


  • In addition, better size profile of harvested crops, producing better results in the premium sizes, while yielding less # 2 products as well, creating better dollar returns with pack outs and sales. â€‹


  • There are other soft cost savings as well, reduction in labor per acre, less picks, also reduce crop cycles up to 7 days in some instances, speed to market, and potential additional plantings, depending on the commodity.​

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • We use 100% sustainable and renewable plant based organic materials.  â€‹


  • Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2  being a natural product, benefits the development of the natural eco-system within the root environment.


  • Synergistically and symbiotically contributing to the long term natural assimilation of the nutrients that plants need to grow. This creates an overall improvement naturally in the agriculture eco-system. 


  • Suitable for conventional, organic, and veganic farming and to replace or reduce chemical fertilizers.

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • ​Thanks to the maximum bio-availability of the nutrients due to its natural plant origin, immediate effects are noticed in plant growth after it has been applied in the soil. It speaks the plant’s same language​.


  • Our proprietary process and natural active components have properties to increase natural fungicide and pesticide action that improves plant resistance. In no case do they replace those products, but Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro considerably improves the plants' resistance.​​

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • The application of Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 in the soil naturally stimulates the micro-organism without the use of bio-fertilizers or chemicals.


  • Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 is made from plant tissues–it is not a bio-fertilizer. Our products do not include micro-organisms but they do include “The nutrients and bio-activators” for the micro-organisms found in the soils, everywhere on the planet.

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • By utilizing Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro into your program, growers have experienced as much as a 15-20% reduction in inputs, as well as reducing pesticides and fungicides.


  • Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro2'  s mode of operation makes nitrogen uptake by plants far more efficient in the root zone, significantly reducing nitrate needs and loads, in soils and groundwater.

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2's patented and proprietary process is in use in over 20 countries world wide. From Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Chile, Peru, and the USA, to name a few.​


  • Terra Ag Technologies Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2 is being used on over hundreds of thousands acres of farmland and hydroculture world wide.

Organic Plant & Soil Pro 2
  • Our method of production from plant and fruit debris prevents them from degrading into greenhouse gases, reducing the carbon footprint compared to other input processes.

Note: Results vary based on soil, weather, commodity, and overall conditions.

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